When you buy in bulk, you can save money and take fewer trips to the store, but it can be tricky when you’re living in a small space. Limited storage might make it seem like buying in bulk isn’t an option for you, but with a little creativity and smart planning, you can still reap the benefits of bulk shopping without your home looking like an episode of Hoarders. Here’s how to buy in bulk when you live in a small space.

1. Prioritize what you buy in bulk

When space is at a premium, it’s important to be very selective about what you buy in bulk. Focus on items that you use regularly and that don’t take up too much space. Dry goods like pasta, rice, and beans, as well as non-perishable items like canned goods and toilet paper, are great candidates for bulk buying. Avoid buying bulky items that you don’t use often or that have a short shelf life.

Tip: Make a list of your most frequently used items and prioritize those for bulk purchases.

2. Use vertical space

If you’re short on floor space, look up! Vertical storage solutions can help you maximize your available space. Install shelves in your pantry or kitchen to store bulk items. Use stackable containers to keep things organized and easy to access. Hanging baskets or over-the-door organizers can also provide extra storage without taking up floor space.

Tip: Consider using wall-mounted racks or pegboards to store smaller items like spices or kitchen tools.

3. Invest in space-saving containers

One of the keys to storing bulk items in a small space is to use containers that maximize your storage efficiency. Airtight containers not only keep your bulk items fresh but also help you organize your pantry more effectively. Look for containers that are stackable and come in various sizes to accommodate different types of food. Clear containers are especially useful because they allow you to see what’s inside at a glance.

Tip: Label your containers with the contents and expiration dates to keep track of what you have and when you need to use it.

4. Store items in unconventional spaces

When you’re living in a small space, sometimes you have to get creative with where you store things. Think beyond the kitchen or pantry—there may be other areas of your home that can double as storage. For example, you can store bulk toilet paper or paper towels under your bed or in a closet. Use under-sink cabinets in the bathroom for cleaning supplies and other bulk household items.

Tip: Use storage bins or baskets to keep things tidy and prevent clutter in these unconventional storage spots.

5. Share bulk purchases with friends or neighbors

If you find a great deal on bulk items but don’t have the space to store them all, consider splitting the purchase with friends, family, or neighbors. This way, you can still take advantage of the savings without overwhelming your small space with excess products.

Tip: Coordinate with your sharing partners in advance to ensure that everyone gets an equal share and that you have a plan for dividing the items.

6. Rotate stock regularly

When you buy in bulk, it’s easy for items to get pushed to the back of the shelf and forgotten. To avoid this, make a habit of rotating your stock regularly. Place newer items at the back and older items at the front so that you use them first. This will help prevent food waste and ensure that you’re always using the freshest products.