Raising a teenager can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be an expensive one. As your child grows older, their needs and wants begin to expand, and so do the related teenager expenses. From essential school supplies to the latest tech gadgets, the costs can add up fast. Here’s a breakdown of some of the common expenses you should be prepared for as part of the care and feeding of your teenager.

1. Clothes and shoes

Teenagers are notorious for outgrowing their clothes faster than you can replace them. On top of that, they often become more fashion-conscious and want to keep up with the latest trends. Whether it’s branded sneakers, the latest jeans, or a new winter coat, clothing expenses can be significant. (Pro tip: thrifting is hot right now, and it can be a great way to stay on trend without spending as much as buying new clothes.)

Average cost: Depending on your teen’s taste and the frequency of purchases, you could be spending anywhere from $500 to $1,000 or more per year on clothes and shoes. This doesn’t include special occasions like prom, which can add additional costs.

2. Scientific calculator

As your teenager progresses through school, they’ll likely need a scientific calculator for advanced math and science classes. These calculators are more expensive than basic models but are essential for subjects like algebra, geometry, and physics.

Average cost: A good scientific calculator typically costs between $50 and $100. While it’s a one-time purchase, it’s important to invest in a quality model that will last through high school and possibly into college.

3. Cell phone

In today’s digital age, a cell phone is almost a necessity for teenagers. Whether it’s for staying in touch with family, connecting with friends, or accessing school resources, most teens will need a reliable phone. However, this comes with ongoing costs beyond just the initial purchase.

Average cost: The cost of a smartphone can range from $200 for a basic model to over $1,000 for the latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy. On top of that, you’ll need to budget for a monthly service plan, which can cost anywhere from $30 to $100 depending on data usage and features.

4. Laptop or computer

As your teenager moves through high school, a laptop or computer becomes essential for completing homework, research projects, and even participating in online classes. While some schools provide devices, many students still need their own for convenience and reliability.

Average cost: A good laptop for schoolwork can range from $300 for a basic model to $1,500 or more for a high-end model with advanced features. If your teen is interested in gaming or graphic design, expect to spend more on a device with better processing power and graphics capabilities.

5. Extracurricular activities

Whether your teenager is into sports, music, theater, or other hobbies, extracurricular activities often come with costs. These might include fees for joining teams or clubs, purchasing uniforms or equipment, or paying for lessons and travel expenses.

Average cost: The cost of extracurricular activities can vary widely depending on the activity. For example, participating in a school sports team might cost a few hundred dollars per season, while music lessons and instruments could add up to several thousand dollars a year.

6. Food and snacks

Teenagers are known for their seemingly endless appetites. As they grow, their food consumption increases, and so does your grocery bill. This is especially true if they participate in sports or other activities that require extra energy.

Average cost: Depending on your teen’s eating habits and how often they eat out with friends, you could see your grocery bill increase by $50 to $100 per month—maybe even more! If your teen is frequently eating out or ordering in, those costs can add up quickly. These are massive teenager expenses!

7. School supplies and fees

In addition to the basics like notebooks, pens, and backpacks, teenagers often need specific supplies for classes, such as art materials, lab fees, and software. Some schools also have fees for extracurricular activities, field trips, and special programs.

Average cost: You can expect to spend between $100 and $500 per year on school supplies and fees, depending on your teen’s courses and activities.